Not much happening at first, just Fludarabin chemo, and seeing the doctor daily.
Allowed out of room to have a walk as bloods have not dropped too low yet.
Day -2
Malphelan chemo + Mum and Mike visited.
Day -1
Campath chemo, gave me a rash. Sickness and feeling grotty, not been eating much at all for a few days, but managed a microwave pizza and a yoghurt!
Day 0
Woke up sick, lots of anti-sickness. Dozed all day.
Shelley and Mark visited most of the day.
Got Stem Cells around tea time - very uneventful!
Had 2 bags of blood as low HB.
Mum came and stayed over.
Day +1
New syringe driver for sickness as other had made my arm sore.
Lots of anti-sickness.
Mum here.
Day +2
New syringe driver in tummy as both arms now sore.
Got up about 3pm, had a shower and watched a bit of TV. Managed 1/2 bowl of soup.
First day for a few days that i've felt a bit more normal.
Had syringe driver taken off at tea time, as it keeps 'occluding'.
Tummy a bit odd looking/sore where it was, so prob for the best. Both arms red and sore from it.
Day +3
Slept a bit better last night. Arms still sore where driver was.
Ate breakfast and up at about 10am, feeling a little better.
Mum and Mike visited for a few hours.
Still feeling a little sick, but better than I have been.
Been having a funny feeling in my face, like pins and needles, so nurse did a blood test and it came back I was lacking Magnesium, so put on a 2 hour drip to help counter the effects.
Have been getting blood results every day, so here they are from Monday onwards;
HB - 8.2
Platelets - 300
White - 3.4
Neutrophils - 3.3
HB - 7.5
Platelets - 262
White - 2.0
Neutrophils - 2.0
HB - 7.6
Platelets - 250
White - 3.0
Neutrophils - 2.9
HB - 9.5
Platelets - 250
White - 4.0
Neutrophils - 4.0
HB - 9.7
Platelets - 154
White - 1.7
Neutrophils - 1.7
HB - 9.6
Platelets - 140
White - 0.6
Neutrophils - 0.6
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