My History

I've been wanting to write a blog about my experiences for a while, but never did get around to it.
I've finally decided to sit down and sort it all out, so i'll start at the beginning, and add some blog entries from my diary.
Apologies if some entries are long, and also written in different tenses - it depends when I actually wrote them!

Thursday, 30 December 2010

Low bloods and waiting..

Ok, so Christmas is officially over.
I got home about 6:30 on Christmas eve. We managed Christmas Dinner at Mums house (with a nap on the sofa), and have muddled through the last few days as always (eating loads, but getting quite dehydrated as I can't drink after chemo for some reason).

29th December were Lung Function Test and ECG at Wythenshawe Hospital in preparation for the transplant.
Today I had to go back to Christies for a blood test, as last week my HB was low.
My blood results today were as follows;
HB - 8.6
Whites - 1.8
Platelets - 57

All still rather low, but luckily no transfusion needed (just).

1 comment:

  1. May 2011 be a year of victory for you and that being changed from the inside out be a part of a very blessed new year.
